Nov 2015 mail

Message dated Nov 13, 2015:

Sha-zam------------did you know I have not 'blasted' an email from this site since JULY!  Have you missed those Irm-a-grams? Should I write more often ?(wait - don't answer that)

Many of you likely receive some of the automated messages that go out when pages are updated (email notification is based on how you have set your "Notify Me" options.  (you can view (and edit) those options by clicking on the "Notify Me" link shown under MEMBER FUNCTIONS on the left of the home page.)

Today's message is brought to you by the letters  "Y and I " for 'you're invited'.  The invite is for a memorial concert being held this Sunday afternoon in honor/memory  of Debbie Warner's mother.  See the details on the homepage.  Debbie is hoping to see a number of her long time friends.

The pages most frequently updated include the homepage - and the Prayer, and Events links .   A somber message was added to the homepage yesterday.   There are a number of new (or recent) prayer albums involving numerous classmates.       Two of the upcoming events that I'll highlight  includes the Nov 21 chicken stew benefit, and the Nov 28 breakfast with Sonny.  Open the Events link and click on each album for add'l info.  Remember to share  upcoming events you'd like posted .  Email me @

The holidays are fast approaching.  I hope each of you are surrounded by those that you love.

*PS -- Come see me at Fitz on Main (109 N Main St. (formerly Snows)  I work the lunch shift (10:30am-1:30pm) every Monday, and both the breakfast and lunch shifts on Saturdays (7am-1:30pm_)  
