Internet ministry

10/18/2011:  Kudos to Alan Hutchens!   Alan - thanks for sharing this. You are a blessing to us all


My Internet radio ministry is heard on The program ("Sound Doctrine") changes weekly, and is heard six times daily -- at 1:30, 5:30, and 9:30 AM & PM. I'd be honored if you would listen. And, I would welcome your comments/critiques.





New Internet radio ministry

Liberty Bible College and Seminary of Homosassa (FL), which awarded me with a doctoral degree in 2005, has recently begun an Internet radio ministry. It operates 24/7. Dr. Robert Long, president of the schools, likewise heads up the radio ministry. He asked me months ago to prepare some of my messages into 30-minute programs for airing on Internet radio. Today, Dr. Long phoned me to inform me that my programs have begun to air. The name of the program is "Sound Doctrine." It can now be heard six times per day: at 1:30 am and pm; at 5:30 am and pm; and, at 9:30 am and pm. This means that the same program will air 42 times in a week, and change weekly. Currently, I am sharing a series through the Epistle of Jude, as I preached it to a congregation in Florida. As more ministries are added to the schedule, "Sound Doctrine" will, of course, air fewer times per week. But, until that time, Dr. Long is generously giving us this great exposure. Please tune in sometime at!

Also today, Liberty Life Radio began airing "Thru the Bible" with the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee. This really excites me, as well. I have followed Dr. McGee's ministry since I was a young teenager. I am flattered and honored to be on the same program schedule with Dr. McGee and "Thru the Bible."

Currently, on Dr. Long's own radio program, "Salvation Unlimited," Dr. Long is discussing the claims of Mormonism, and how they stack up (or don't) with the Bible. I encourage you to listen to Dr. Long's program, as well.

The complete program schedule can soon be seen on the Website, at

Alan Hutchens